
指南 0 523


(Learn to spread China and Chinese cuIture in EngIish)

People in China

1. On this land live 56 ethnic groups with a total population of 1. 248 bilIion ( according to the 2,000 census of China). By their collective work they have brought into being a great culture.

2. In China, the Han people make China's largest ethnic group, making up 91. 96 percent of the country 's population. The population of the other 55 ethnic minority groups adds up to 8.04 per cent of China 's population.

3. The ethnic minority groups with over a million people include: Zhuang(壮族),Manchu(满族),Hui(回族),Miao(苗族),Uygur(维吾尔族),Yi(彝族),Tujia(土家族),Tibetan(藏族),Mongolian( 蒙古族),Bouyei( 布依族),Dong(侗族),Yao(瑶族),Korean(朝鲜族),Bai(白族), Hani(哈尼族),Li(黎族),Kazak(卡萨克族)and Dai(傣族),18 in all. The largest of these is the Zhuang,with a total of more than 15 million people. Those with populations between 100 ,000 and one million each are the She(畲族),Lisu(傈僳族),Gelo(仡佬族),Lahu(拉祜族),Dongxiang(东乡族),Va(佤族),Shui( 水族),Naxi(纳西族),Qiang(羌族),Tu(土族),Xibe(锡伯族),Mulam(仫佬族),Kirgiz(克尔克孜族),Daur(达斡尔族)and Jingpo(景颇族). Those with a population of 10,000 to100,000 each are the Blang(布朗族),Salar( 撒拉族),Maonan(毛南族),Tajik(塔吉克族),Pumi(普米族),Achang(阿昌族),Nu(怒族),Ewenki( 鄂温克族),Jing(京族),Jino( 基诺族),Deang(的昂族),Ozbek( 乌兹别克族),Russian(俄罗斯族),Yugur(裕固族) and Bonan(保安族). Those whose population is below 10,000 are the Moinba(门巴族),Oroqen(鄂伦春族),Drungdin (独龙族),Tatar(塔塔尔族),Hezhe( 赫哲族族),Gaoshan(高山族) and Lhoba(珞巴族).

4. The vicisitudes of time, war, migration and seizure(占领,控制) of lands throughout history have produced many shifts of population in the border areas. Various ethnic minorities either live mingled together or as separate compact communities. Some minority nationalities live widely scattered over the country, though they may also have one or two communities.

5. Ethnic minority people can be found in the country's big and small cities and towns. So, with mutual influence on each other in economy, politics and culture, they have formed close ties with the Han people.

6. Regional self-governments were established in areas where minority groups lived in compact communities. These governments, apart from exercising the functions and powers of state bureaucracies , also exercise the functions and powers of autonomous self-govenment within the limits prescribed by the Constitution and state laws.

7.In performing their duties, the self- governments give full consideration to the traditions, characteristics and customs of the minority groups, enacting specific autonomous regulations and local laws.




3、百万人口以上的少数民族有:壮族,满族,回族,苗族,维吾尔语族,彝族,土家族,藏族,蒙古族,布依族,侗族,瑶族,朝鲜族,白族, 哈尼族,黎族,卡萨克族和傣族,总共18个。其中最大的是壮族,总人口超过1500万。人口在10万到100万之间的民族有畲族,傈僳族,仡佬族,拉祜族,东乡族,佤族,水族,纳西族,羌族,土族,锡伯族,仫佬族,克尔克孜族,达斡尔族和景颇族。 人口在1万到10万之间的民族有布朗族,撒拉族,毛南族,塔吉克族,普米族,阿昌族,怒族,鄂温克族,京族,基诺族,的昂族,乌兹别克族,俄罗斯族,裕固族 和保安族。人口在10000以下的民族有门巴族,鄂伦春族,独龙族,塔塔尔族,赫哲族族,高山族和珞巴族。




