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我和我的祖国 作者 张藜 汉译英 周柯楠

Me and My Motherland

By Zhang Li

Translated by Zhou Kenan


无论我走到哪里 都流出一首赞歌

My motherland and I can't be separated for a moment

Wherever I go

I will have a song of praise

我歌唱每一座高山 我歌唱每一条河 袅袅炊烟,小小村落 路上一道辙

I sing of every mountain

I sing of every river

I sing of cooking smoke in small villages

And of ruts on the road

我最亲爱的祖国 我永远紧依着你的心窝


My dearest motherland

I’ll always be close to your heart

You speak to me with the mother's pulse

我和我的祖国 像海和浪花一朵 浪是那海的赤子 海是浪的依托

My motherland and I are like the sea and a spray

The spray is the newborn son of the sea

The sea is the support of the spray

每当大海在微笑 我就是笑的漩涡 我分担着海的忧愁 分享着海的欢乐

Every time the sea smiles

I'm the whirlpool of laughter

I share the sorrow of the sea

And I share the joy of the sea

我最亲爱的祖国 你是大海永不干涸 永远给我碧浪清波 心中的歌

My dearest motherland is the sea

The sea that never dries up

Always giving me blue and clear waves

The songs in my heart
